Wednesday, February 07, 2024


It was a good day, even though it dripped a bit. I called the Access Van for today's excursion with Noreen and they'll pick me up and take me home. Good thing, as there's supposed to be yet more sporadic rain today. 

Suzanne's birthday is coming up next week and I texted her to say I'd like to have her and Vickie over for dinner. We three discussed dates and settled on the seventeenth. Of course, if Frank's funeral is scheduled for then or anything else major for any of us comes up, we'll postpone. It's been quite a while since I've had "real" company (I don't count Jim) and it will be fun deciding on a menu, cooking, and serving it up.

Lunch here, then it was off to Aldi and Office Max, which are right next door to each other. Aldi's a supermarket, but didn't have what we wanted. At Office Max, we looked at the L-shaped desk I'm contemplating once I settle on what I went in the bedroom. Hmm, it looked a little bigger than I thought it was. I might buy it, but I want to look elsewhere, too.

From there, we drove the few miles to grocery outlet where I bought three pounds of beautiful, big red apples, cod right (frozen, but that's okay), as well as what I call "pretend milk" because it's plant-based. I've been using it on my cereal, but now like it better than Mama Cow milk. 

When I got home, I prepared six of the gorgeous apples--cored, dressed with Stevia and cinnamon and popped them in the oven for an hour. Had one during my TV watching (8:00 to 9:00) and it was delish.

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...