Tuesday, February 20, 2024


It rained steadily all day and I had scheduled an office visit with the P.A. at Primary Medical P.A. Thought I'd try to change it to Zoom, Facetime, or phone; called and was able to do that. I just had a few questions about my medications and medical record. I talked to Natalie for maybe twenty minutes and got it all resolved.  

Found a small box at my door, which contained an BOKA electric toothbrush. What? Did I order it? I'm sure not, but I contacted the company and will get an email or something back.

I called my long-time friend, Nancy Phelps, and we had a good talk. She's okay, although she dislocated her shoulder a few weeks ago; is recovering. .

Other than that, I did a lot. Continuing to clear up and clean out, I went through all my DVDs--I have roughly a hundred--kept some and put the others in a donate box. I continued to go through all my accumulation in the bedroom and have a lot put aside to be tossed or donated. The flowers I was given over the last week or so are on their last legs, but still pretty, so I combined them and will keep them a little longer:

I just started Vincent Bugliosi's book, Divinity Of Doubt: The God Question, in which he represents the agnostic point of view. He goes chapter and verse for 400 pages to emphasize his major points. He doesn't deny there is a god and he doesn't deny there isn't a god; he just hasn't a clue. Damn, I could written it myself. 

I had signed up for the monthly Soaring Spirits dinner, but texted Vera that even if the rain stopped (it didn't ) I knew the sidewalks would have seas of mud, so I wouldn't attend. Wouldn't you know, that sweetie offered to pick me up (she takes me home regularly), which she did. Eight of us attended and  had good, open talk, and an excellent time. Home at 7:30--it was still dripping--and after some so-so Netflix on the tragic deaths of movie stars, I settled down for the night. 

I'm almost afraid to mention this, but I will: Lately, I've been sleeping well. I invariably get up once for the usual, but then sleep through until 4:30 or 5:00, my preferred wake-up time. 

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...