Saturday, February 17, 2024


It turned out to be an excellent day. I won't go into detail, but in succession, these items were accomplished: 1. the documents for the real estate agent were (electronically) signed and sent; 2. the new food/mail scale was set up; 3. the big new bookcase was assembled, installed in the hallway, and I love, love, love it!  A lot of other minutia went on, but the crowning glory was that 4. I got a new keyboard and can type with ease again! 

Oh, and the other thing: I got tested for a hearing aid. This took several hours of course, then I was fitted, walked around with it, was fitted with another and I'll choose between the two within a few week. The day was topped off by a soak in the hot tub, which was heavenly. 

Now, I have to prepare for my dinner guests, since I still have to make the meal--chicken rubbed with spices and slow cooked, string beans, baby potatoes, corn bread, and ice cream. Although this is in honor of Suzanne's birthday, which was a few weeks age, I decided against a cake. Also have to clean up from what went on yesterday, but no prob.  

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...