Sunday, February 11, 2024

Saturday And Pat

Happy day--it looks as if the keyboard has fixed itself. I tried it one last time and it worked. Not sure if this good news will continue, but for now, I'll take it.

Besides doing a white wash, cleaning the bathroom, and dry-mopping the hard floors, I got a lot in my procrastination file (it's bulging!) done. That included sending the kiddies Valentine cards, packing the fancy glasses I'm donating to GoodWill and calling Jeanne Dollard Painter to tell her of Frank's death. Also chopped and julienned my two sweet peppers and two huge onions, and stored them in the freezer for later stir-frys. I called Diane and we discussed Poor Things and other topics. Stella called and we made a date for lunch today at Immigrant Son. 

Oops, I think I forgot to mention in an earlier post (because of difficulty typing) that on Wednesday, my tenants in Little Egg emailed me to tell me she and Cliff had bought a house in Florida and would be moving the first week in April. I knew they were planning, but am sorry to see them go--they're wonderful tenants. I've secured agent Kim Wojcik, whom I've had before, to handle it and she's already sent me paperwork. 

Mike Facetimed me and we had a good chat. He'll be here in April for business in Cupertino and I'll see him then. Violet went to Laos for a week with Girl Scouts to help with charity work for the poor. Vivian has gotten a internship with Crow Soil Ecology & Biogeochemistry Lab in Hawaii in Hawaii. She's a botany major, so that will be helpful--she'll get paid for it, too!


He would have been 93 today.


Anonymous said...

Such a good looking man.
Anonymous me…pmr

Mimi said...

Thank you, Pat.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...