Thursday, July 20, 2023

Wednesday, A Down And Up Day

Internet was down when I got up and I was a little down, too. Like a silly kid, I brooded over the fact that I had had not one, but two, pieces of strawberry bucket, with plenty of whipped cream at our little birthday for Vickie. Also, and worse, I started running over in my mind various negative happenings, past and present, which is always a mistake.  

However, I rallied later. Skipped my oatmeal and had only a tangerine for breakfast, then got a few hanging-over-my-head bookkeeping chores cleaned up. After, I took my cart and walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart. Got made-up salad and other vegetables, and--well, this:

Why? Because I have an unsightly fat bulge above my waist and when I wear materials that cling even a little bit, it's emphasized. I'll see if this helps at all, but first, I'll see if I can even get it on. 

Ellen called and we talked and talked, probably for an hour or more, very enjoyable to me. Mike messaged about not accepting an Instagram request from his brother-in-law, as he (Mike) was hacked. This seems to happen so often; several times, I've gotten supposed messages from people I know saying things like "Hello, how are you?" which I know my friends wouldn't do. 

Karyn cancelled rehearsal, as little Logan is sick. Now we don't pick up again until Sunday, when Jeff will be in residence. He's still working on our final rehearsal schedule and other particulars. 

I wrote back to Connie about Art Comes Alive at the Maritime Museum. Said I'd participate one day as my character, Anke De Jong, but will let her know about time with the acting coach (this is a new wrinkle) and rehearsal.  Happily, she wrote back that I could skip the last two, as I've done this several times before to her satisfaction. The event takes place on August 19 and 20 and we open on Friday, August 18; however, A.C.A. is from 12 to 4:00, so I can do both. 

Up even more, I got an invitation to a "Happily Ever After" party for nephew Wes and his Heidi--how wonderful! This is the second go-round for both and their blended children will consist of no fewer than six--five girls and a boy adopted from Ethiopia, all teenagers. This is in Chicago on August 26, so there's no way I can go, but I messaged them each with my congratulations. Will send a gift certificate, but try to find some way to make it special. How excited Betty and happy would be!  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...