Friday, July 14, 2023


Set off for Smart 'N' Final (stupidest name for a supermarket ever) in balmy weather. There's supposed to be a heat wave, but when I was walking there, it felt wonderful: in the low seventies and with a gentle, cool breeze. Got my citrus, coffee, and a few other items, then walked back, so I did three miles.

After lunch, I called Jim, being somewhat concerned. Not only had his answering machine failed to work, but he hadn't responded to my email. It was working now, though, and Jim said he didn't know why it  hadn't before. He also kept telling me my own phone was breaking up, but I'm not sure if it was actually his or not.

Later, I walked to the post office. I had gotten stamps the other day and had been shown one--rowers, I think. I asked for six and when I was handed them, I assumed they were the same. But when I got home, I saw they depicted the medal of honor. As a pacifist, I always ask for non-military stamps, but this had slipped my attention, so I went back to ask to exchange them. The manager was consulted and I was told they wouldn't. Why?  Because they have a certain inventory and it would be thrown off--or something. I couldn't understand it, but I didn't make a fuss, I just bought others. Stopped into Suzanne's and gave them to her. We had a nice visit and I suggested that when we "do dessert" for Vickie next Tuesday, I make a blueberry buckle instead of Suzanne buying something. She was fine with that, so I will, but we'll meet at her place.

Lora texted to ask if she could pick me up for T.O.PS. today. Of course, Cheryl will, but I thanked her and it reminded me how lucky I am to have the friends I do. Julie asks me regularly if I want to go here or there (she'll pick me up for BCNN dinner on the 27th) and others do, also. 

Amplify Arts Camp, where Violet attends, posts pictures on its Facebook page, which I love to see, of course. The girls went to the beach--not sure if in Ventura or where (Ojai is inland) and here's Violet--the tall, beautiful one standing second from right:

Speaking of the camp, I found that Sallye Lange, with whom I graduated from HSHS, has a granddaughter who also attends the camp. It seems the girl's mother, Sallye's DIL, posted something and I noticed the last name Nordling, Sallye's married name. Got in touch with Jeanne Painter, who gave me the lowdown. I messaged the DIL and she responded; I think she lives in L.A. 

Two days ago was the eighth anniversary of my move to California: July 12, 2015. Do I regret it? Never for a nano of a second; the "new lease on life" thing is always in my mind. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...