Saturday, July 22, 2023

Freakin' Friday

Oh, what a day. T.O.P.S. first, of course: I turtled at home, as my scale has been reading 128.6 for the past two weeks; at the meeting, I was 129.8 for a gain of .02 and so what. 

Home, breakfast, then I took my laptop over to Asurion Computer Repair, luckily next to Von's right across the street. Explained the problem: very slow, and left it there. Rushed back to prepare lunch to Jim and me. I had some seafood jambalaya in the freezer and served that, even though the weather was very warm. It was so-so, but the strawberry bucket and whipped cream made a big hit with Jim, as I knew it would. After, we sat on the couch and chatted animatedly, Jim regaling me with tales of his youth and if you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. 

While Jim was still here, it finally occurred to me that the problems with both the laptop and the TV  could stem from that outfit from Hell, Yandoo Communications. I called (yes, while Jim was still here) and found that indeed, they had something wrong with the in-coming or the out-going stream, or whatever it was. In other words, the screw-up was their problem; the guy admitted that. Therefore, I demanded they reimburse me for the twenty-five bucks I paid Asurion. I wasn't really serious, but incredibly, he said he'd give me a ten dollar credit.  Anyway, I had to go back over to Asurion to get the laptop and it's working--yay--so I don't really care about having to pay for something I didn't need.

On a cheerier note, Mike put on Facebook that my niece Chrissy (daughter of my late big brother, Jim), and her husband, Paul, were in Singapore and stopped at Mike's and Paula's place:  

(I'm starting to like Mike's beard.)
Then the four of them went out to dinner:
I messaged Mike and we chatted for a bit; he'll be back here on the twenty-ninth to pick up Violet from camp. Every once in a while, I realize how lucky we are to have this big. beautiful, extended family.

Show Biz Note: We've had a rehearsal hiatus recently, but will resume in earnest starting tomorrow from 4:00 to 7:00.   

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I think Mike's beard is very attractive. He's a handsome dude as we young kids say.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...