Monday, July 24, 2023


After my usual Sunday stuff and nonsense, I took my cart and walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart. I was looking for grapefruit, but incredibly, neither had any. Had to cross Victoria Avenue to Ralph's to find them and bought five, along with some beautiful peaches.  Walked home, had lunch, then noticed one of the grapefruit had a too-soft spot. I excised that, then sectioned off that and one more, and froze the segments. I still have four left to make, but if I run out, I can go to the freezer (yes, I'm an addict--I can't help myself!).

Mike texted Ellen and me to the effect that friends of his, who used to live in Singapore and now live in Santa Barbara, would like to see him. After back and forths with Ellen, it was decided that, since Mike is staying with her, she'd have them over for lunch next Sunday, the day after Mike comes in. We also have other company coming, so it will be a busy--but happy--time. 

Showered, washed my hair, and prepared for 4:00 rehearsal. Good thing I checked because it wasn't called for 4:00, but for 5:00--damn! Okay, I adjusted my alarm (I always set my phone for several minutes before I have to leave) and played around with the laptop until it was 4:30 and Ken picked me up. 

Karyn was out this time and Jeff (he wrote the play and is the founder and head of Fractured Actors) took over. Rehearsal went well. Of course, our part is only the last five minutes, but I actually enjoy seeing After All This Time once again--I don't get tired of it.

Home about 7:00 and I made myself a stir-fry; ate half and will have the rest today. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...