Friday, July 21, 2023


I'm having big problems with this laptop/the Internet/the mighty gods of computerdom--or something. Oddly enough, this blog comes up okay and I can write in it, and save. I tried the Restoro app, which took about 20 minutes and, hoping the little darling was okay again, left for East Ventura. I had packed my cart with  four blouses, eight loose leaf binders, a water carrier, and some odds and ends to donate to Goodwill. Walked to Telephone, then got the 11 to Petit Avenue, and left them off.

Walked down the street to meet Diane in the park at noon and we had our usual three-hour talkathon. As ever, it was so satisfying to connect with Diane; we can tell each other anything--and we do. After we said goodbye, I stopped at Grocery Outlet for fresh broccoli and a bunch of beets.

Home, checked the laptop and the problems were just the same. I then packed it up and walked across to the Von's shopping center. Asurian, a computer repair place is right there and I took it in. Tyler, the guy here, said it would probably take too long to fix it then, but asked me to bring it in today. Paid him the $25 for the monthly coverage and will take it back after T.O.P.S. After dinner, I sat down for my hour or less T.V. viewing and found it didn't work; there's an error message. Could that possibly coincidental?  I'll have to deal with that, too.  

Called Jim and he'll be over for lunch. Now I'm going to end this tale of woe and and see if this damn thing will respond if I "publish." 


iloveac said...

It must have published cause I'm reading it.

Mimi said...

It did, Pat, and for a kind of half-assed explanation, see Friday--which I haven't written yet. Boy, it was a day...


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...