Monday, July 10, 2023

Sunday With My Tribe

Did some household chores in the morning, then turned my attention to the patio. I was horrified to realize the fallen ivy geraniums had taken one of the lilies down with it. I cut off and brought in what was left:


I then tied up the trellis and ivy geraniums; also propped the remaining lily plant:

The geraniums--both the ivy and the other--need to be trimmed and spruced up, that's a cinch, but I'll save that for another day.

Ken picked me up, as usual, a half-hour early, so we had plenty of time to sit and wait for the others. They came and we commenced four hours of rehearsal. I continue to be amazed at Karyn's directing skills--and people skills, for that matter. Here's a scene--we're still in the rough, early stages--and a pic of Karyn before we left, delivering her overall notes for the session:

The guy in the middle, Spence, is a semi-professional and is just terrific. He's well over six foot and can't weigh more than 160. He lives in Santa Barbara and comes all this way to rehearse, so is he dedicated or just nuts?  
Before this, Karyn had the whole play performed and stopped the action as soon as she saw something she wanted changed or corrected. This is the step-by-step formula for directing, of course, along with plenty of sidebars. Karyn herself is not a conventional beauty, but she's so appealing in her intelligence and knowledge of the genre, combined with her warmth and sense of humor, it's a pleasure to follow her lead.  

One thing that isn't a pleasure is the 7:00 pm (to 9:30) call time for tonight. That means it will be close to midnight before I get to bed, but I'll grin and bear it. 

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