Monday, July 03, 2023

So Fun Sunday

Saturday was crappy, but Sunday was happy. Mike picked me up at 8:00 and off we went to Ojai. He, Ellen, Violet, and I went to the Ojai farmers' market where I got grapefruit, carrots, Brussels sprouts, and plums. Ran into Erica C., one of my favorite fellow members of Fractured Actors, and introduced her to Mike and Violet. We then stopped at several other places, including Bart's Books, of course.  Back at El's, we had lunch, then she stayed home for a well-deserved nap (she still has a bed cold), and Mike, Violet and I went into town for ice cream. We strolled around for a time in the 85 degree heat (but with little humidity, so it was bearable), dropping in to stores here and there. At an antique shop, I photographed that darling angel, Violet, with her heavenly twin:

We went back to pick up Ellen, then checked out Camp Besant at Happy Valley, where Violet will spent a month starting July 8. Boy, it's way high and I nearly had a conniption fit (as we used to say in 1902) as Mike drove up the narrow, winding, hundreds-of-feet-up road. We stopped at an overlook and laughed at this sign:

because we sure did!
I don't think you can get the full effect of the height, but there was a sheer drop-off behind them, with the Ojai Valley ("Ojai" means "Valley of the Moon" in Chumash) spread out below. The school grounds and dorms look great--it has a music emphasis--and the surrounding countryside is lovely.

Mike wanted to check out the Ojai fitness center (he has lost 25 pounds and works out regularly at home), so we went there. He got a one-week membership for a certain amount and added Ellen for an additional fee, as she wants to go in the pool while Mike's here. We then cruised around town for a bit. Back at El's, she, Mike, and I played a ferocious game of gin rummy while Greg continued his paperwork and Violet napped. Poor girl, she's still suffering from jet lag and we let her sleep for a time.

Mike left to go to the gym he had just joined--he rode Ellen's bike the several miles there--and the rest of us puttered around a bit, then went to Steven's Greek Restaurant in Ventura for dinner. I had something called a something, the others various somethings, and we had a good time. They dropped me off at home and I'll be seeing them tomorrow.

Note: Just as I was getting out of Mike's car in the morning, Jim called. He was very upset because, he said, Microsoft had emailed him to the effect that his account was about to be cancelled--or he owed them money or something. Mike and I both assured him it was a scheme and not to respond. However, he wasn't entirely convinced, so I suggested he call Microsoft and ask them. This led to more consternation because the only number he could find was for sales. I told him to ask somebody in sales to transfer him to security or fraud or whatever. Disturbingly, Jim seems to need considerably more help than he had before. I know I'm not equipped to give that, but I'm not going to abandon him. Once Mike and Violet leave, I'll try to pursue some avenues. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...