Monday, July 17, 2023


The Sunday crossword was so-so--nothing to write home about, as my mother would say--but doing it was, as always, an enjoyable task. 

Did the usual white wash and changing of the guard--I mean "bedclothes"😄--in the morning, then bestirred myself to dry-mop the hard floors. Tidied up otherwise, then bused to the transit center to mosey around the mall. While waiting for the 6 bus home, I fell into conversation with a nice woman named Mariana. I enjoyed our talk (and the fact that she's a year older than I am) and gave her my card. 

Had a late lunch, showered and washed my hair, then was out front waiting for Ken at 3:30; rehearsal was called for 4:00 to 7:00. It went very well, is really coming alive, and I'm more and more impressed with director Karyn. We ran through the play three times and will have rehearsal from 7:00 to 9:30 tonight. 

When I got home, I stopped at Suzanne's to ask if it was okay if I make a strawberry buckle for Vickie's birthday, instead of a blueberry one. (I was joking, as I knew she wouldn't mind.)  A few weeks ago, during peak strawberry season, I had bought several quarts. I ate some, washed and chopped the rest, then stowed them in the freezer. I certainly have the two cups the recipe calls for--more, in fact--so I might as well use them.

Wal-Mart and lunch with Ellen today--YAY!   

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