Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Somewhat frustrating day. I don't want to elaborate at length, but will record here in case I need the info later:

1. At 10:15 am, I called Canon about my printer problems; the call ended at 12 noon. The thing will copy, but not print. The guy led me through all kinds of sites and clicks and maneuvers, but nothing worked. He finally concluded it could be the port on the laptop or the USB itself that was worn or something. I'm going to consult Asurion Computer Repair today.

2. I had a problem with BMO Harris Bank, one of my credit cards. They billed me for $19.47 for a GoFundMe contribution in--get this, Sydney Australian. I filed a fraud claim, but only after some annoying interactions. 

3. My cousin emailed me asking for the names our our grandmother and great-grandmother and it took me a time to dig out my genealogy stuff, but I finally did. Added a pic of our mutual great-grandmother, Mary Ann McElkenney.

4. I went into Amazon to have a gift card sent to Vivian for her 19th birthday, which is this Saturday. Put the wrong amount in first, had to cancel, then redo.

5. I need to order a hundred bucks woth of the OTC items I get from Blue Shield. It's a great benefit, but also a hassle, as I have a hard time coming up with that much every three months. 

6. There are all kinds of other paperwork I have hanging that I must organize and get done....  


...on the sunny side, Ellen texted to see if I was up for going to the movies. I sure was and she came over after her doctor's appointment (annual checkup) and we went to see:

We chose between that and Oppenheimer, the polar opposite to Barbie, I'm sure. which I also want to see. Barbie was actually pretty entertaining--very imaginative, but also with some thought thrown in. And hey, what's not to like about Ryan Gosling?

Diane emailed to see if I wanted to do lunch on Thursday, but I'm going to the BCNN monthly dinner with Julie, so suggested either today or Friday. 

On the sleep front: I'm afraid I'm into the can't-keep-my-eyes-open-in-the-evening and wide-awake-at-4:00-am phase. I hope and trust that will ease soon. Also, I may throw in a nap today, if time permits.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...