Monday, September 07, 2020

We're havin' a heat wave...🎵🎵🎵🎵

(Marilyn sang that in a movie.)
The usual Sunday morning. I was able to complete the crossword, then spent time weeding out some of my books. It's always a dilemma for me, but both my bookcases are filled and I just can't keep them all. I had thought I'd walk to the little library in the park to donate them, but when I went outside to check the weather--WOW!  It was 99 degrees. However--incredibly and happily--my apartment is quite comfortable. 
Unfortunately, Betty isn't. She called to say that when she had gotten home from Carolyn's on Saturday, it was boiling inside. Uh-huh: She's on the second floor and has three outside walls--rather, more like two and a half, but with a window in two. My inner unit is on the first floor. Suzanne's, at the end of the building, gets much warmer.  That's good for me now, not so much in the winter.
I actually thought of walking over to Von's, but once I got outside, nope, so I just walked around the complex for a little exercise. 
I got a welcome phone call from somebody and we discussed her trip and my trip at the end of the month. What trip? Ah-h-h, all will be revealed in due time.
Being on a Matt Damon kick, I ordered the DVD of his movie, Gerry, which I had never even heard of before. Looks interesting, though.  
Here's the turkey thing I bought:
As I only rarely do, I lay down after lunch and actually took a nap. Got up about 4:30 to see Suzanne reading out front. I went out and we sat and chatted for an hour or so. She had made a fruit cobbler with some kind of protein flour, with blueberries and some of the pears I had given her. She gave me a piece which I said I'd have after dinner. I did--but only two forkfuls. I just don't want to get in the habit of eating sweet things, aside from plain fruit.
Had a good dinner of tilapia, fresh string beans, and the last of the butternut squash. Now I've got to replenish my produce supplies. I can always get things at Von's, but I prefer the market, so I hope it won't be too torrid out there today. 
A literary note: I'm reading Patricia Highsmith's trilogy, The Talented Mr. Ripley,  Ripley Underground, and Ripley's Game. all full-length novels.  The movie (one of my favorites) was made of the first, of course, but bears only a tenuous relationship. It's too long and involved to explain here, but the differences are profound. Oddly, I like both of them a lot. The movie is just superb in its script, acting, locations, and so on, but I find the book absorbing, too. It's much more "inner"--with thoughts and emotions, that is. Books can delve deeply in that region, but movies just can't. Anyway, I like them both very much and just regard them as two different works of art.  

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