Tuesday, September 29, 2020

LEAVING DAY! (or day before, maybe)

This may or may not be my last entry for a time. We leave tomorrow--or today, depending on when this is published--that is, Tuesday, September 28.  However, I'm staying over with "them" in Santa Paula tonight, a slight change in the plans. That's so nobody has to pick me up and we can get an early start.  

This morning (As I write, it's 10:35 am on Monday, the 28th and who in the hell could keep track of this blog entry dates crapola, I don't know), I stripped the bed and put the sheets and all other accumulated laundry in to wash and dry. I'll shower later, and what I take off will just have to wait until I get back. I'm also planning to wash the few accumulated used dishes after lunch. I just hate going on a trip and coming back to a messy home. 

I got all my stuff together, packed, and so on. I also put together some food I want to take so it doesn't spoil. Ran the dishwasher and took a shower and washed my hair. It's now 2:17 and shortly, I'll assemble the electronic family--laptop and its various components--that I can't seem to live without.

Okay, now it actually is Tuesday, 6:16 am. We met Ellen and Greg at SeaFresh last night and, of course, had a fine time. I wasn't very hungry, so as I often do, ordered two appetizers (braised mushrooms and linguini) and Modelo, a good Mexican beer.  Speaking of good, being with my girls and their guys was double-plus good.

After a leisurely meal, we said goodbye and off we went to Santa Paula. I was oriented to this and that in this little cottage on wheels, then after chatting for a bit, we turned in. I'm one the pull-out sofa and was amazed that I slept well.

Today, we take off for Needles, California, which has the distinction of being one of the hottest places on the planet. It has recorded temperatures of 126 degrees and right now, at 6:27 am in September, it's already 80. We'll be at an RV park, but I was told it have a pool, so what's not to like? 

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Sounds wonderful. Enjoy it all!
I sent you an email to answer your other questions. My email was only opening your Comcast
addy...I hope now it will do the right thing.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...