Sunday, September 13, 2020


I realized I hadn't taken my footbridge walk to the park for weeks and decided yesterday was a good time to do it. I had six books to donate to the little library, so I loaded them into my cart and started off.  I wanted to get some more room in my bookcases, but wouldn't you know--I picked up three other full-sized ones. I'm only halfway through the Ripley tribology, which is from the county library and I have a number of other books I haven't started. Oh, well, I'll get to them eventually. It felt so good to be walking, so rather than bus back, I did the whole three miles.
After lunch, I bused to the mall/transit center and stopped at The Alliance Bargain Box across the street. This is a thrift store, but one of the very high-end ones. It reminds me of some of the elegant second hand places I've read about in big cities. I didn't buy anything, but enjoyed looking. I saw a wonderful painting of two cows--only ten bucks--but reluctantly left it. I have absolutely no place to put it in my tiny kitchen--but damn, I wish I did.
Went to Target and was delighted they had blueberries. I had been dismayed that WinCo had none when I was there on Friday. I also got two pounds of carrots. I had saved the liquid from the last time I made beans in the slow cooker and it occurred to me it probably has plenty of protein in it, so I'll try slow-cooking the carrots in it.
When I got home, I tied up some of my lavender plant, as Gabe had advised. I don't know what to do with the big geranium, but am afraid it must be sacrificed. Suzanne was in her patio watering (she in the end unit and has a hose) and she kindly watered my ficus. She said her sister, who lives in Washington State, had called to tell her one of the fires was three miles away.
Lunch with my girl today, to which I'm looking happily forward, of course.
Note: Blogger suddenly started using a new format, which I heartily dislike. I found the direction you can use to revert back to this one, but there seem to be problems there, also. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...