Wednesday, September 02, 2020


AAGH, I think I'm losing it! It was on Monday that I lunched with Stella and this one actually chronicles Tuesday.
I called Helen Crawford just to say hello and we had a nice chat. We barely mentioned Betty and I think that's better for now.
I took my little cart and walked to Smart 'N' Final for the day's produce. Went next door to Dollar Tree to get some glass jars to store the seemingly years' worth of beans I now have. Speaking of which: I had put about a pound of pinto beans in the slow cooker before I left and when I got home, I sautéed onions and sweet peppers to add to the beans. 
After lunch, I bused to town. Bought yet another DVD, this the early Matt Damon (one of my favorite actors) and Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting. I also bought a kind of small Halloween flag--or it's a dish towel--black and white with two skulls on it. (I needed that desperately, of course--everybody should have a Halloween flag.)
I didn't get home until almost 5:00, which was fine by me. The beans were nicely done and, combined with the onions and peppers, were delicious. I also had broccoli and roasted carrots, so another vegetarian meal.
Niece Carolyn called and we talked for a long time. I asked her to give Mary, Betty's companion, my phone number, as we're planning a visit from her and Betty one of these days.
Darn, I didn't sleep well. I awoke at 3:53 (I made the mistake of looking at the time) and couldn't get back. Finally did, and slept until 7:22, late for me. Maybe I'll take a nap later.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...