Sunday, September 27, 2020


What a fun day! I was picked up, as scheduled, at 10:30 and off we went to Carolyn and Dana's in Santa Barbara. Their 13-year-old, Claire, Betty, Steve and Dex were already there. Robyn wasn't: She's an accomplished costumer and seems to specialize in designing and making puppet clothes. She now, for complicated--or maybe not-so--reasons, has a lot of work, so was home in West Hollywood making teeny costumes and, I trust, other-than-teeny piles of dough.    

We were in the backyard almost all the time, of course--open air and all that--but it's a wonderfully attractive one and was so enjoyable. Perfect weather, sunny and in the seventies, and we were under a grapevine-draped overhead trellis. 

AAGH! Here it is, 7:24 am on Sunday and I've been trying for almost an hour to send the pics Carolyn took to my gmail, so I can add two or three here. Damn, I can't do it! When I take them, I can "send" to my email, save in "pictures," then share. Carolyn took some good ones and sent to me and others, but for some reason, I can't share--it just says "download" and something else. I downloaded, but can't send from there, either! 

I'll keep trying and if I can, will add them tomorrow.

Anyway, we had a great time and the food was just simple and good. Dana made pulled pork sandwiches, others brought salad, Claire made cookies for dessert, and there was red and white wine. Best was being with my daughters and extended family. It was wonderful--great conversation and the best of companies. We got there about 4:00 and stayed for almost four hours. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...