Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Pinto Beans And The Promenade

 I put a good amount of pinto beans in the slow cooker and added water and the "veggie juice" I save from cooking vegetables. I then left for Johnson Family Dental. This is something I've been dealing with--I may need extensive dental work--but I don't want to go into detail.

I stopped at Von's on the way home for romaine and the big container of large white mushrooms I like. After lunch, I sliced them in half, popped them in the oven with olive oil and garlic, then chopped up two big onions. Later, I added them to my pinto beans.

My friend, Gail, called to see if I could walk The Promenade today. I told her I had to get the ultrasound at 11:00 and happily, she offered to pick me up there. We decided we'd bring our lunches, too, and eat overlooking the Pacific. 

Bused to town to pick up the library book I had requested. It's The Coddling Of The American Mind and was recommended by my nephew, Patrick, the otolaryngologist now at the Cleveland Clinic. I started reading it on the way home and it looks pretty good. It seems to concentrate on academia, which naturally interests me.

When I got home, my beans were just about finished. I stir-fried the onions, added them and the roasted mushrooms, and a little seasoning. I had a lot of beans, so I froze another two or so portions and guess I'll be eating them for some time to come. I also had the rest of my fresh broccli and half of an acorn squash. Good dinner, actually. 

That rose from Suzanne is now full-blown and so beautiful:

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