Friday, September 25, 2020


Figuring I wouldn't get into town yesterday, I walked to the Market and back, putting in three miles and I'm okay with that. Bought two pounds of carrots, so after scrubbing and trimming them, I put them in the oven with olive oil and seasonings. Had some for dinner, with the last of my beans and mushrooms. Jessica Nails is right next door and I noticed they were open. Immediately went in and made an appointment for a pedicure for 10 this morning. I called the Access Van to take me there and back. Why? Because I'll wear sandals, so as not to smear the new polish, and I can't walk that far in them. 

Brother, Larry, from Miami called and we talked for an incredible hour and a half. He told me Helen had fallen and broken (actually cracked) her pelvis. It seems nothing can be done for that except bed rest and, in recent years, Helen has spent a lot of time in bed, anyway. They had had a king-sized, but Larry got her a hospital bed and himself a single. (He got a kick out of it when I said the must put a crimp in his love life--he's 88, Helen 85.)

Larry wants me to go to his granddaughter's wedding in Jacksonville in November and I'm leaning that way. He said he won't go unless I do--I assume he isn't serious. I really plan to go, if at all possible.

Dr. Jennings office person called to say my ultra-sound revealed no problems. I still haven't heard back from the dermatologist's office about the biopsy. I called once again and was on hold so long, I hung up. It's now been two weeks and two days since I was there.   

I did this and that on the laptop, then showered and washed my hair, preparing for hairdresser, Cindy. She got here a few minutes late, but it really wasn't her fault. I tell most visitors to park at the front entrance, then call me and I'll come out and bring them to my apartment. However, she knocked on my door--I'm surprised she found it on her own--and said she had called several times, but thinks she had a wrong number for me. She looked it up and certainly did--it didn't even have the same area code. Anyway, she trimmed my hair and it looks okay. I kind of liked it better the way before, but it'll grow again.

I called the Access Van and they'll pick me up and take me home from Jessica Nails.

Went over to Von's for grapes after Cindy left and on the way back, I noticed how many big limes were on the tree at one of the grassy areas. I know residents are allowed to take them (the tree was transplanted from the patio of somebody who moved away) and I went back and got my "grabber." Harvested about ten and will take some to the T.O.P.S. gathering this morning and some to Carolyn's on Saturday.

Betty called and said she had gone to a doctor who asked her to draw pictures, then said she had Alzheimer's. I was taken aback that she was told that, but it didn't seem to particularly alarm her. I made some comment about "lots of people have memory problems." 

I again had trouble sleeping last night. My ankle itched a lot and I'm thinking of calling Dr. J. to see if I should continue talking the antibiotic, although the prescribed week is over tomorrow.


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...