Saturday, September 12, 2020

T.O.P.S. And Trees

We gathered at T.O.P.S. and I was surprised and pleased to weigh in at 129.4, a loss of .06. (My home scale read 128.8, reflecting a loss of .05.) I told the group I'd be away at the end of the month, but they can continue to meet here, if they want. So far, nobody has challenged us--of course, I'm a resident and these are my guests.
Home, late breakfast, then I cut up tomatoes and onions, added the usual olive oil and seasonings, and popped two glass containers of  them into the oven. Also cut up peppers to stir-fry for dinner.
I then decided to go to Winco, took my cart, and walked to Telephone, where I intended to get the 11 bus. However, it wasn't coming for 19 minutes, so I walked another mile. That totaled about two and half, so good.
Got fajitas, spinach, and other goodies, then bused home. It took a while, so I didn't get lunch until 2:00. Betty called and we talked about this and that for a bit.
Suzanne rang my bell to ask if I had seen the new gates that were being installed at the openings of the patios. Yes, but I had thought they were just for dog owners. Nope, we're all getting them. The complication for  me is I have this large lavender and big geranium right where the gate must go. Gabe asked me to tie it up where it should be cut back and he'll do it.
Note the patio gate in the background.
It's much more serious for Suzanne: She has a beautiful ficus tree, probably thirty feet high, that she planted as a little shrub when she moved here--twenty-three years ago. In her case, the only change that would work is to have the gate swing a different way. Gab said he'd talk to the boss; I see no reason they can't accommodate, but who knows. The picture doesn't even do her magnificent tree justice. Mine, which Ellen gave me as a moving in gift, is in the foreground.

My tenant, Eileen, texted me that the garage door is sticking. I texted Bill Galway and he said he'd look at it. I hope and expect it's a minor problem.
About 4:15, I was restless, so I walked out to Telegraph Road and got a bus to Oxnard. I just stayed on until it got to the transit center, then switched to the Ventura one and rode home. Didn't get in until after 6:00, so by the time I made my ground turkey stir-fry and ate, it was after 7:00.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...