Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Well, it was an active day--and not all fun and games, either.
I walked to the Market and Wal-Mart early for lettuce and so on, then across to Ralph's for blueberries and grapes. Walked halfway home and bused the rest.
I called Dr. Jennings about my left forearm, which itches and is swollen and red. I thought an insect had bitten me, but don't see any entry point. Then I remembered that I had fallen about a week ago. I scraped my knee a little, but mostly fell on my elbow, which acquired a scrape and a large, ugly bruise. Dr. Jennings looked at it (on phone video), asked questions, and thinks it's cellulitis. What? I always thought cellulitis was something like acne or flabby fat, or something. But no, it seems it's an infection and she prescribed cephalexin (I have no idea), which I'm to take three times a day for a week. She also wants me to get an x-ray of the arm, which I'll try to do today. Later in the day, I walked over to CVS for the med and paid a whopping $3.22.
I got a text from my tenant, Eileen, about yet another problem. It seems the garage door is sticking. I texted Bill Galway and he stopped to look at it. Texted me back that it has a broken spring and that I'd have to contact a garage door company to replace it and gave me a name and number to call. He refused to charge me for his visit, that sweet guy, even though he's a contractor.  I texted Eileen to get her permission to give the door guy her number, she gave it, I called him, and he said he'd go look at it. He did, replaced the spring and texted me a bill for $346.53. Oh, well, it's only...
The guys came to put the new gate and my gigantic lavender had to be sacrificed. The big geranium had to be moved, also, but Gabe was nice enough replant it. Actually, I like the gate; of course, it has a closing latch, but that can be undone from the other side, too. There's a place to add a combination lock, but I won't bother. If somebody wants to come in and steal my geranium, they probably need it more than I do. Here's the before and after:
Betty called and asked about she and her companion, Mary, coming to my place. This has been discussed for some time, but I hadn't heard anything directly. I asked Betty to give Mary my number, she did, Mary called, and we decided on Friday at 12:30. I suggested the other two bring themselves sandwiches and I'll provide the beer and soda.
Niece Carolyn called in the evening and we talked for an hour, catching up on various doings and what's coming up on the extended family calendar.     

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...