Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Nothing Much

I stripped the bed and put the linens and other whites in a bleach wash. Re-made bed, had breakfast, then took off for the Market with my little cart. It was warm, of course, but not unbearably hot--in fact, it was very pleasant. I got my blueberries, grapes, cauliflower, and romaine, plus emery boards and a birthday car for my dear girl.
Often, I take the bus home, but this time it occurred to me I hadn't seen any go past. Oops, that's right, it was Labor Day and the buses weren't running. No prob, I just walked home.
Prepared my salad lettuce and cut up the cauliflower; put it in the slow cooker, added water and seasoning, and let 'er rip. I took out the rest of the beans I had cooked and frozen the other day, so had yet another vegan dinner.
Finally got around to taking some of my gardening leftovers--pots and so on--to the trash removal place. I left them on the ledge, in case somebody can use them; otherwise, they'll be taken away. Ran into the young man from the building across the grass from us. I knew he and his wife were expecting and, yes, baby Michael was born on September 2. They have a seven-year-old little girl, too. I'll have to remember to get them a little something.
I was kind of at loose ends after that, so poured myself a pale ale, put some pretzels in a bowl, and sat out on the patio reading more of  The Talented Mr. Ripley.
I walked a bit around the complex, but wasn't anxious to go farther. Put in another load of wash after dinner and showered while it did its thing. Watched more of Big--hard to believe it's 32 years old.
So, generally speaking, it was sort of a nothing-much day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...