Friday, September 04, 2020

Bouncing Back

I'm feeling good again. Did some food prep to the extent of chopping five onions and storing them in the fridge and freezer. Then I walked to the Market for blueberries and sweet peppers, so got my three miles in, at least.
As I was walking, Jim called back and we chatted; we also made a date for lunch  (here outside, of course) on Tuesday. I ran into Michelle, who delivered her usual frantic, teeny-bopper complaints about management (she's about fifty, I think). Although she was a pain when we were protesting the utilities bill thing, she actually grows on you after awhile. (I must be getting soft in my old age. I mean, I'd think that if I were old...)
When I got back, I chopped up my peppers and put them in the fridge with the onions. I want to make a turkey stir-fry for dinner tonight and like to have all my ingredients prepared and ready. I also partially cooked, seeded, and cut up a big butternut squash I had gotten at WinCo the other day.
As for the COVID test I took on Monday: I got a text telling me that for some reason--it wasn't specified--it didn't "take," so I should try again. Hmm...I wonder how often that happens; not infrequently, I'll bet.
I had lunch, then started for town, but Suzanne called when I was just outside, asking if I'd come n and listen to her refrigerator. The freezer part is making a rather loud, rhythmic sound and yes, I definitely think that's abnormal. She said Gabe had looked at it, but wasn't sure if it needed to be replaced. Sounds to me as if it's on its last legs.
Went to town and to the fairgrounds for another COVID test. Oddly, all my information was taken and input again--why wouldn't they already have this in their system? Also, this person didn't ask for ID (the last one did), plus this time, I was told to twirl the cotton swab for ten seconds in each nostril; the last one didn't give me that instruction. Anyway, no big deal, assuming this one is valid.
Walked back to Main, so I certainly totaled five miles yesterday, if not more. I had aimed at five every day, but I doubt if I've been reaching it. No prob, though, and I won't obsess over it.
Betty called while I was busing home, telling me what she told me yesterday--and the day before, but oh, that's okay.  She also talked about Jay, her youngest; it was sixteen years ago yesterday since he died. Her older son had told her of the anniversary; she had forgotten it. What a dreadful time that was for our extended family. I'll never forget it, but I'm glad his mother did.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...