Friday, September 11, 2020

Moody, Mushrooms, And Not Much Else

I slept through the night, which was good, and got up at 6:15. I felt a little down, though, and all morning, I just lazed around. I'm worried about the thing on my face--is it a basal cell? Worse, maybe? Will I be disfigured when it's removed? Will it kill me? 

I called my cousin, Sally, and left a message, but haven't heard back from her. AAGH!  For some strange reason, Blogger is now putting a double space between my paragraphs. They've already changed the format, which is disconcerting. (What's the matter, Mimi, don't you want to learn anything new? NO, I don't--at least not something that was perfectly okay before!) 

It's always depressing for me to stay in, so to escape my mood, I changed (it's gotten much cooler), took my little cart, and walked to Smart 'N' Final. I got a nice cabbage, some apples, and a few other items. Walked back, so I got three miles in and I felt much better once I got home. I immediately cut up my cabbage and apples and put them in the slow cooker. Hard-boiled some eggs for my salad (I have protein at every meal) and had lunch. 

Antsy again, so I took the 10 to the transit center, switched to the 6, rode down to Telephone (Road), got off and walked to Portola, so I made another 1.8 miles, and felt much better.

Home, I halved my nice, big white mushrooms, added some garlic and olive oil, and put the in the oven with my piece of salmon. Those two and the cabbage made a good meal.

Betty called and of course, had found the album she was sure somebody had taken. I then called Ellen, who said she's getting on top of some of the technical problems in her on-line teaching. Today is her birthday, that darling girl. She said Greg's son and his fiancee are in town, so Greg is going to take all out for dinner for her birthday. We decided I'd take her to lunch either tomorrow or Sunday. Also, she received the Amazon gift card I sent her--which I specified should be delivered today, on her actual birthday. She got it on Sunday, damnit. Hope she gets her card today. 

The "slept well" note above pertains to yesterday. I was wakeful a long time over this night and, wouldn't you know, it's Friday, so I have to go to T.O.P.S. That means I won't get breakfast until about ten and throws off my whole schedule, but since it's mostly weigh-in, I guess I can survive.  


1 comment:

iloveac said...

It is scary until you know for sure what the lesion is. The dermatologist has seen many, many of these things, and more than likely it is a basal cell. All that time you spent on the beach in Ventnor takes a toll. You'll be fine and even more so when you know the next step.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...