Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Flu, Paula, And A Gathering In The Park

Did a white wash with sheets and so on. Re-made the bed and otherwise straightened up a little. Walked over to Von's and got a flu shot. (The idea of getting a flu shot in a supermarket seems weird as hell, but it's a lot more convenient for me than going to the doctor's.) 

The other day, Jim and I discussed Ativan and I mentioned that I've taken it when I fly. He said he's sometimes anxious and asked about it, so I sent him info. He wrote back to thank me and wished me bon voyage. I responded with thanks and mentioned how much I value his friendship. And I do.  

Another annoying Blogger problem: That email address they so prominently display is not the one I use. Actually, I don't want my email there, anyway. I went into where you can change the address and check if you want it displayed, and it didn't follow my instructions. Why????

Today is my daughter-in-law's birthday. Paula and son, Mike, met as students at UCSB more than twenty years ago, and they've been together ever since. She's 52 and is as beautiful now as she was then. 

I moved here (to this apartment complex) in September of 2016, so it's been four years. Even if the rent goes up--which I'm sure it will--I think I'll stay. I feel happy here and it seems right for me. (That doesn't, of course, mean I'll never move, because if something better comes along, I'm outta here.) 

The Access van picked me up at 4:16 and took me to Thille Park. Of course, I was very early, but Vera came shortly after, then others, and oh, how good it was to be with this group again! Anne Lezada, who's younger than my children (middle forties, I think) is a special friend. She's an R.N. at Ventura Community Hospital in the maternity ward and hey, what a sharp gal she is. We seem to have a special rapport and we embraced as soon as we saw each other.  Yes, yes, I know, the virus, but damn, we haven't seen each other for months and it just happened. Gail Butcher was there, too. It's so unfortunate; she has some kind of liver problem and was in the hospital for a long time. She has lost fifty pounds, which I guess is good--she was quite a bit overweight before--but I fear she's not really well.

Altogether, there were seven of us there, with one newcomer, Jan. Her husband, who had had Alzheimer's, died only nine days ago. It's unusual for somebody that newly widowed to attend, but we all welcomed her, of course. There was one man, Royce, whom I've met before, which is a common ratio, male to female.  For one thing, women tend to live longer and for another--I think this is pretty much true--men seem to find it more difficult to reach out. Vera took this picture of me before the other attendees got there. She sent it to the others so they'd recognize the park:
It's a nice place--I've been there many times before--and if I had known I didn't have to take my chair, I would have walked. I've done it many times before, as it's only a mile and a half. Anyway, I greatly enjoyed the gathering. 

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