Sunday, September 20, 2020


 Betty called as I was walking over to Von's; we had both enjoyed her visit on Friday. When I got home, old friend Mary Hoffman called and said she had texted Betty pictures of her former house on Washington Avenue, which the new owners have painted. Betty called her, but Mary wasn't sure Betty could see--or get--texts. I asked her to text them to me, which she did. I called Betty later--she couldn't seem to see the pics, so I told her I'd show her when I see her next...

...that will be next Saturday at Carolyn's. We're going to gather to see the visitors, who will arrive near hear on Friday. A few days after that, they will whisk me away to points unknown. (I mean I've never been to those points, but am anxiously awaiting.)

Got a text from Tony C., the landscaper, who gave me a price of $125 to shape up the bushes up front; I told him to go ahead.

I met Jim out front at 1:00 and we sat in our usual spot for lunch. As ever, we talked and talked about everything under the sun. We didn't say goodbye until 5:00, a marathon meeting, even for us. 

Son Mike called for a brief virtual (video) visit. I saw the girls just for a flach, Vivian putting on makeup and Violet working with her math teacher. Mike and Paula were about to go out for their regular massage, which they do regularly.

Got up this morning and was aghast to find no Ventura Star on my front walk. I may the only person left who gets it daily, and I was just thinking the other day how the carrier has been so faithful for so long. Goes to show--something or other. 

Unfortunately, I had a big problem with insomnia last night. I'm blaming it on the fact that, because Jim and I sat so long talking, I wasn't able to get adequate walking in. 


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