Saturday, September 05, 2020

Friday 😫

Home: 129.2, so minus .04.
T.O.P.S.: 130.0, so minus .02. (Not being a mathematician, I don't know how any ounces.)*
It was all downhill from there. It just seemed as if anything that could go wrong, did.
First: I had admired the new jacket that Bobbi, my fellow T.O.P.S. member, had on last week and asked her to buy one for me. (She bought it at Costco, where I'm not a member, and don't want to be.) After the weigh-in and everybody had left, I went home and had breakfast, then tried on the jacket. X@#$@!--the zipper wouldn't zip! I tried and tried and put W-4 on it, but no, it won't zip. Damn!  I didn't want to ask Bobbi to return it, so I'll just keep it, I guess, but it's so annoying.**
Second: I wanted to change my e-mail with CVS Caremark, where I get my medications, via the mail. That's always been so convenient, but I spent 45 minutes on the phone with three different people trying to do this. It's unbelievable that it's so difficult! It put me in a sour mood.***
Third: I got a text about my second COVID test from Thursday; readers may recall that the first one, on Monday, didn't take. This told me the same thing: they weren't able to get a result! Okay, I went for a third time to be tested. This necessitates walking about a half-mile to the bus stop, riding to the transit center, boarding a second bus to Santa Clarita Street, then walking the mile or so to the fairgrounds testing site.****

I had my ground turkey stir-fry and it was delish. Betty called with one of her rinse-and-repeat conversations--or monologues. I got a curious Messenger from Karyn N., with whom I was in the Fractured Actors show in August. (Her fiancΓ© was in it, too.) I'm bemused because she wrote to asked for my address so she could send me an invitation to her wedding "next year." She's about 25 and I barely know her; we weren't in the same segment and we've only exchanged a few words, so at first, I thought it was some kind of hacking scheme. We are, however, Facebook "friends" and I wrote back for her email address and sent her my address that way.  Hey, my policy is "never turn down an invitation," so I'm looking forward to the wedding.
Later, thing improved a tad:
*Just for my info: T.O.P.S. membership number: 4691156.
**I tried again and was able to zip it.
***I finally succeeded, so that's taken care of.
****I did the third test and if that doesn't "take," the hell with it, anyway--I don't need the damn thing.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...