Thursday, September 17, 2020

Laptop Litany

Another here and there, out and about day.  In the morning, I walked to the Market for fresh produce, taking a bus halfway back, as I often do. It was cool, so I wore long slacks and a long-sleeved shirt, plus my blue jacket. When I set foot on the overpass to 126, it was, as usual, as if a stove had been turned on; it seemed to suddenly heat up by twenty degrees.
Home, I changed into shorter pants and a light top, then had lunch. I like to make at least tentative plans for my days and I decided I'd go to town. I haven't been there for a while and just thought I'd walk Main and stop in a few shops. First, though, I checked Facebook and--AAGH!
Suddenly, the screen went blue and I saw the whirling circle and "lock." A second later, it all went black--and dead. I unhooked the modem, pressed this and that, and directed some choice curses its way, but nothing worked. Called the Office Max main number and wasn't able to get a person.  Called our local Office Depot (same company) where I had bought it, talked to my guru, Laura, and she said I'd better bring it in. I did, she fixed it, and all is well.
Now that preceding little sentence took a few seconds to record and the same to read, but the experience actually entailed  more than three hours of travel and wait time, plus roughly two miles of walking. But so what, it's not as if my social calendar was loaded, anyway, and I'm on-line again. What happened? It seems I'm not supposed to leave the charger in all the time, which I never knew.
Anyway, it's fixed and I got home about 5:00. Halved my mushrooms, added garlic and olive oil, and popped them in the oven. Along with my leftover spinach and carrots, plus one hot dog for protein, it was a tasty dinner.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...