Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 We left about 9:00 and drove roughly 200 miles to Needles, California. We went across the Mohave desert, which covers an incredible 4700 acres. It was suggested that I sit in the navigator's position--the front seat next to the driver. (Actually, I was not exactly "nest to," as this is a big vehicle home and there are several feet between the two seats.) Wow, what a wonderful experience that was! I had a panoramic view of vastness of the California landscape and it was spectacular.  

And hey, it was hot, hot, hot. In Needles, it was 107 when we rolled in about 3:00. However, no prob, as the RV has air conditioning and almost as soon as we got there, we went in the pool. Weirdly enough, it was very chilly, so we just sat on the side and talked. 

Had a yummy beef fajitas dinner, then went back to the pool. We then watched Better Call Saul, about which--like Ryan Gosling--I had vaguely heard, but wasn't familiar with. It was so good, I was surprised to hear it was a TV show and not a movie. Just greatly enjoyed it and--happy day--we didn't subject ourselves to anything else on T.V., such as a so-called "debate." Like yours truly, these two  rarely watch it. 

This morning, we take off for Williams, CA, then we're headed for the Grand Canyon.


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...