Friday, June 21, 2024


Finally got the mountainous pile of filing done. Paid a few bills and otherwise kept my nose to the grindstone. After that, I put together my ground turkey, chopped peppers, julienned onions, and seasonings for one of my three portion stir-fries. Stored two in the freezer, and had the other for lunch.  

Took my cart and walked to Telephone Road, then took the 11 bus to Office Max. I bought a "cable management box" to corral and conceal these: 

Previously, I had had a bookcase in front of these, so they were hidden. I moved it and now there's this unsightly mess. However, on closer inspection, I realized that the white one isn't attached to anything, and nor is the black plug on the beige one! I removed them and now it's better looking. However, I still wanted to get one of the boxes and did so. Now that I look at it, though, I think it's too big and bulky. I think I can slip the remaining item next to the bookcase, so will try that. 

Went to Aldi after and just got oatmeal and plant (almond) milk. Bused home and sat outside on the patio with a book and a small glass of white wine. I went to get the mail and ran into Michelle, who seems nuttier than ever. Incredibly, when I mentioned I would be visiting Jersey soon, she asked if it was part of New York. I questioned her, thinking she was kidding, but no, she wasn't. I was flabbergasted. 

I got a Message from my daughter-in-law asking that I hold her mail (I've been sending it, as I do Mike's) until she moves into her new place on July 15. Wrote back that I'll be glad to. Mike will be moving into his new place on the twelfth.
Today is my 66th wedding anniversary. 


iloveac said...

Happy Anniversary Rosemary. I just love this photo.

Mimi said...

Thank you so much, my friend.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...