Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Bouncing Back And The FBI

Okay, I'm bouncing back. 
Called Aline, but she had impulsively decided to go to Manhattan and was on her way.  We made a date for lunch on Friday.
Went to B.J.'s and picked up pumpernickel, cottage cheese, and a big bag of golden, delicious-looking oranges.  I'll give some to Susan and Aline, too.
Finally, I finished up arrangements for rehearsals with all ten people involved in my two plays for the June 15 show.  We'll get together at Stockton this Saturday for Hell On Wheels and next Tuesday at Shalom House for Telephone.  I hope Joey (that's actually what he uses; he's older than I am!) is an okay choice for the husband.  He seems a little lackadaisical to me.  I offered to send the script to him last week and he asked, "Do I have to print it out?"  Well, yes, that's the idea.  However, he declined, saying "I'm a fast read."  Can't imagine why he wouldn't want to see it ahead of time, but oh, well.
Talked several times and at length to Betty about the disturbing and incomprehensible e-mail I got from a relative.  I wrote an angry response and the relative answered that--with a gushing and insincere e-mail worse than the original.  It pretends to be an apology, but is actually a treatise on why she's entirely innocent and I just don't understand or have trust issues or don't want to "share feelings" or whatever garbage she could dream up.  I'm sure she thinks the second was conciliatory, but it definitely isn't.  Guess it's that old sub-conscious at work and her words reveal what she really means.  She also called twice, but I won't speak to her.
Picked up my new glasses, which I hate, but I always do with new ones.  Considering the cost, you'd think the frames would be lined with diamonds.  Made a date to see Pat (Pasquale) and Bea A. today to do a profile for The Breeze.    
WIDER:  This latest manifestation of the Fascist state is enough to chill you to the bone.  What's going on?  How did we get to here?  I'm beginning to think this latest horror is part of a huge, unseen (but there are bits and pieces we can glimpse) tsunami of terror we're all going to be living in before long.  The FBI seems to be emulating the Gestapo and we'd better be docile...


Jim Wetzel said...

I'm guessing that government at various levels in the US has always murdered a good many inconvenient people. I'm guessing that the rate at which such government murders happen probably hasn't even increased over the past decade. What does concern me afresh -- what does seem new -- is that they no longer bother to make any credible attempt to hide it. They no longer worry about "getting caught." That is new and different ... and ominous.

Mimi said...

Truer words were never spoken. But because I don't watch TV "news," and rarely even read it in the paper, I'm not exactly aware of how it's being treated there. To me, this incident (forgive me for calling a murder an "incident") seems so utterly shocking, it should dominate coverage.
But I guess not--.

Jim Wetzel said...

Like you, I don't see the teevee news (which, in these latter days, is the only sort that counts anyway). I'm sure they're dealing with it by not saying a thing. The corporate ownership of what passes for the "press" here is so cozily in bed with the government -- it's all the same people, really, anyway -- that it wouldn't occur to them to make any sort of unseemly noise.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...