Sunday, June 06, 2010

Darned if I can remember what I did most of yesterday--not exactly an exciting one. I did meet with my neighbor, Walter G., who just published a book called The Epic Roles of Consciousness, Emergent Patterns of Individual Consciousness. He got interested in psychology after a career as an electrical engineer and, a few weeks ago, asked me to participate in a study. This entailed completing a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, as well as a questionnaire of his own design. I did, gave it back to him, and he did his calculations to reveal my personality type--or something. Yesterday, he went over it with me for an hour or so.
Sounds rather interesting, doesn't it? Actually, it was boring as hell. It isn't as straightforward as "you're an extrovert" or "you like to eat ice cream out of the carton" or anything like that. Much more subtle, often to the point of being difficult to understand, it really didn't give me much insight into myself. Hey, maybe there isn't a whole lot to know about me.
Decided to plant the three Rigal begonias I had had in a basket on the porch. I put them next to the garage door because it gets some shade there and I think they prefer that. Turned on the drip hose to water the tomatoes and went to the supermarket. Toyed with the idea of going to the pool, but didn't.
Aside from that, my teeth hurt. The whitening procedure causes sensitivity in some of them, I was told, and I have it in spades. Took two Percosets (? I don't know how to spell it and neither does SpellCheck) in the afternoon and that made me groggy and slightly dizzy. Had about a two-hour nap on the couch, watched my daily 45 minutes of T.V. (an interesting story on the disappearance of Madlyn Murray O'Hair and family), then went to bed and slept soundly.


Jonathan Versen said...

Mimi, there are tons of web sites that have miniature Meyers-Briggs questionnaires. I had to take one in high school back in the day because the vocational counselor wanted me to, although I'm not clear what it accomplished. You might find the political aptitude test at more interesting. That is, if you haven't already done it.

Mimi said...

Hmm...didn't realize any such sites existed and will look into the political one. Considering the wide variety of political leanings of my siblings and me, that should be interesting. Thanks, Jon.


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