Tuesday, July 24, 2018


I got an unwelcome phone call in the morning: My sister-in-law, my brother, Frank's, wife, has died. No plans for the funeral yet.
Watched pickleball, then went to Cloudcroft Manor. This is a hundred and nineteen-year-old hotel, rumored to have a pretty chambermaid, "Rebecca," as resident haunt. Got good exercise in walking up the fairly steep road to it.
Had another good dinner on the deck; I do like eating outside. Did some preliminary packing, slept well, and now I must reconcile myself to leaving. It's been a wonderful trip!


iloveac said...

So sorry to hear about the death of your SiL. Always painful to get those kinds of phone calls.

Mimi said...

Thank you, Pat. I know you understand.


I was down to 123.8 at home, a loss of 1.2 and down to 124.7 at T.O.P.S, so down 1.01. The meeting was the usual therapy session, but not to...