Thursday, July 26, 2018

First Day Back

As it always is, my first day back was a settling-in one.  Unpacked, put away, did a full load of wash with all it entails, got my mail from Suzanne, and checked the fridge and cabinet for what I needed. Ellen had been kind enough to lay in blueberries and cottage cheese--my staples--and I went to WinCo for chicken, veggies, and grapes.
Suzanne stopped in to give me my mail. I'll return the favor, as she leaves on a two-week (or longer, she's not sure) trip this morning. Called my cousin, Sally, back; she had left a text message, asking about Marybeth's death and we had a long talk. Sal is just two weeks younger than Frank, so she's 85 and she had been a marathon runner until she was 80. She then had a hip replacement and now she has some kind of surgery scheduled because of a respiratory problem. She tells me it's no big deal, but--hmm.
Called Connie K. to discuss getting together re the Carrie Dudley thing; she'll get back to me. Unpacked my costume and it looks huge. I'll try it on, but doubt if it will serve. If it doesn't, I'll have to think of some kind of alternative avenue.
Made my standard huge salad for lunch, then took off for town. Did the usual park-and-walk, and got home at 5:00 for a shrimp and cauliflower dinner.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...