Sunday, July 01, 2018

Terrific Day

What a terrific day we had! After Kimball and breakfast, El called and asked me to come over about 9:30, but I misread the clock and got there at 9:00.  Mike, Greg, and the girls had gone out to breakfast and El and I met them later at Bart's Books.
This is a fabulous used books place, well-known to people around the globe, it seems. It had been a one-story house at one time and you could get lost in the small rooms that open out one to another. The books are generally arranged in categories, one or more to a room. (We were charmed by the fact that the former kitchen--with some counters and cabinets still there--contain cook books.) We all dipped into, then bought a book or books, including the girls.
After that, we went to the Lavender Festival in the park. It was a gorgeous day, maybe 75, sunny, but with a light breeze. El and I bought lavender, which has such a lovely scent, and I got some "wine slush" packets, one of which, mixed with Chardonnay, is in El's freezer now.
Lunch of leftover tacos, then we took off for Shelf Road, a trail of about a mile up and around a steep hill. I walk three miles a day, every day, but even for me, this was pretty strenuous. It was fun, though, and we all made it.
Back to El's for a bit, then to my place to change for the pool. The girls loved it and so did Mike. El didn't  have her suit and I don't have one, but we enjoyed watching the hi jinks and our feet in the hot tub. We then went to Target for Vivian to use the gift card El gave her for her graduation.
I had said I wanted to take them out for dinner at the new Stone Fire Grill and by the time we got there, it was after 7:00. We approached the place and hoo boy--the crowd was three deep outside the door.  I should have realized it would be jammed, especially on a Friday night.
El called Two Trees to see if they had a wait and luckily, they didn't, so we went there. It's a modest place, but the food is really good, and we all enjoyed it. We parted after that and I went home.
I can't remember what the agenda is for today, but it may be bike-riding in the morning. In that case, I'm going to wait until later to join the gang, as I have to get some clothes washed.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...