Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Santa Barbara

I'm getting to be a slug-a-bed: just got up and it's 6:30 am.  Plus, for the first time in months, I didn't walk Kimball yesterday. but I will today.
Arrived at Ellen's about 9:00. Mike and girls were already in Santa Barbara, visiting a games store (Violet loves them) and doing something else or other.  I left my car and El drove to SB via the scenic route, way up high and truly beautiful. We met M., V., and V. at an In-And-Out, which we did, then Carolyn, Betty, and Claire arrived. We greeted each other with hugs and kisses, ordered, and sat to eat and, of course, talked and talked and talked.
Went back to Carolyn's and hung out while the girls bonded in Claire's room. Mike then took them to a trampoline place (better them than me) before rejoining us. The four of us went to Shoreline Drive Park for a walk (probably no more than a mile).  We walked fairly slowly, but Betty still had to sit down at the end, while Carolyn, Ellen, and I took a fairly steep path down to the beach.  When we came up, we three walked briskly to the car, and drove back to get her.
Back to Carolyn's, Mike gathered up the three girls and took them to the beach. Carolyn, Ellen, Betty, Finn, and I then went to a possible rental for Betty and good grief, wowee, and holy smokes, this almost knocked our eyes out.
It was located high up in the hills, a huge estate and gigantic house, just quintessentially California--or rather, wealthy Santa Barbara.  We spent about an hour there and were shown the apartment (quirky) and the house (spectacular).  The owners are Stan (an attorney, but more significant, a philanthropist) and Betty, who had owned a modeling agency. Oh, by the by, Cheryl Tiegs and others we recognized, had been her clients.
After our tour of the house and magnificent grounds (elegant pool, succulent gardens, fountains, and more) and some chatter (Carolyn has written grants for some of the organizations Stan has patronized), we left.  Attractive as the place is, it's probably much too isolated for Betty, but boy, if I wanted to live in SB, I'll move there in a heartbeat.
Went back to Carolyn's, Mike picked up the girls, and we all had a lively dinner of pizza. Great fun--we always have fun there--and didn't leave until 8:00. We drove separately back to El's, I said goodbye to three of my dear ones (I'll see them in New Mexico in two weeks), and drove home. Got in a bit before 9:00, stayed up for another hour, and that was it.
What a life and what a family--yay for us!


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