Friday, July 20, 2018


Among lots of other adventures, we went to Mount Bianca (White Mountain), riding a gondola to the top. Two of our members rode a zip line (I wasn't one of them!) roughly a hundred feet over that. Spectacular views from there; in fact, all of New Mexico seems to be a series breath-taking views.
Went to a kind of kiddie speedway, where the younger one rode a speedy "race car" and the older went into a maze. We went into town for various shops and sight-seeing, the girls buying handmade bath salts. Went to some playgrounds, took long walks, and otherwise did the relaxed and enjoyable vacation activities, besides the vigorous ones.
Yesterday about 5:00, the parents blew in from Encondido by way of Albuquerque, and we had a terrific salmon dinner on the deck. They'll be back this morning and will leave after.
No time for more right now.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...