Friday, March 19, 2010

Skipped our walk, as my mammogram appointment was at 7:15 am. Was outta there before 8:00, which is why I like the earliest time possible for almost anything. My hair appointment was at 10:30 and I could easily have gone home in between, but decided I'd hang out in that area instead. Splurged by eating breakfast out. Had scrambled eggs and home fries, but was a little disappointed because I didn't enjoy them as much as I thought I would. Wish I had ordered a poached egg instead.
Still had plenty of time to kill, so I drove down to my birthplace, Ventnor, and moseyed around here and there. Stopped into the library, then took a short walk on the boardwalk. It was a gorgeous day, with the sun sparkling on the waves and a "blameless sky" (I just came across that wonderful phrase--can't remember where).
Drove over to Eurocolor and Eileen did a nice job on my hair. When I got home, I did a little on the library display case project for "Magnolias." However, I'm not happy with it and want to rethink the whole thing.
Went to Scojo's for dinner with the D.'s, always a pleasure, then they went on the the author's lecture at Monmouth U., and I went to rehearsal.
It was pretty tedious, as the first hour was spent going over costumes. I was hoping Tara might make an announcement about adding a performance, but she didn't, so I just sat and watched, as usual. They went over the last scene, very emotional, and how I wished I could have been in it. Okay, I'll hang in and we'll see, but good grief, showtime is only a bit more than a month away--!
In the middle of rehearsal, I got a call from friend Karen C., who's at a conference in Asbury Park. I had hoped I could meet her over there for lunch, but she's leaving today. Will catch up with her in Lawrenceville.

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