Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The big news today is that Vivian got her ears pierced! Many of her little friends and classmates in Singapore are Indian and customarily have theirs done at birth, so her parents finally gave in to her pleas. She's delighted and so is her Nana.
It would be nice if the major news of the world were about 5-year-olds getting their ears pierced, instead of 5-year-olds getting their limbs pierced and their lives ended with drone bombers.
Nothing much went on yesterday except I enjoyed a call from sister Betty re the reunion. It's always great--if guilty--fun to be catty. Today, I have my Scrabble group at 1:00 (at Barbara H.'s, two doors down), then will go in the evening with the the D.'s to a talk on "The Gettysburg Address & Constitutional Interpretation" in Toms River.
Wider: From "A Distant Ocean," here's John Caruso arguing that Obama is more dangerous than his predecessor:
"...George Bush catalyzed dissent—both domestically and internationally—but Obama euthanizes it. I can't think of any better evidence for that than Obama's ability to win the Nobel Peace Prize while he's simultaneously increasing the military budget, presiding over an expansion of the U.S. role as the top arms merchant to the world, and waging two wars. Thanks to the Idea of Obama, the actual Obama will be able to spend the coming years pursuing the same policies as Bush with only a tiny fraction of the level of opposition—and the effects will be just that much worse as a result."
I follow "The Orwell Prize blog, " in which Orwell's entries of 1939 are listed exactly 70 years later. A few days ago, I commented that the peace prize for Obama was Orwellian. Incredibly, later commentors seemed to believe I was a neo-con! Goes to show, I guess, how far the liberal/progressive/pacifist movement has fallen.


Unknown said...

I found the reaction to your comment unsurprising but comical.

Mimi said...

I was taken aback by the reaction, but in the scheme of things, guess it's of little importance. Thanks for your comment, Jameson.

Jonathan Versen said...

Back in the fall I left a comment at Caruso's blog, comparing the dems and the gop to two different brands of cigarettes and suggested if you took a "taste test" you could only tell them apart after you took off your blindfold, and another person who identified himself as an ex-smoker said there really are differences in the tastes of cigarettes.(I've never smoked.)

I wanted to do a photoshop of two packs of cigarettes, one looking like a pack of Marlboros, called "McCain", and the other "McCain Lights", but I was never happy with the results and gave up, as election day was fast approaching.

Mimi said...

That's a terrific comparison, Jon. I was a smoker for years (so was my husband, and the habit killed him) and I always bought a certain brand. If I ran out, though, I happily inhaled others. All of them, of course, contained the same poisons, they were just packaged a bit differently.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...