Monday, October 12, 2009

Slept very late--until 6:45--and had to rush to pick up Susan for our walk. That's because I stayed up late watching, believe it or not, television. I stumbled on a new program about JFK's assassination and believe me, it's a classic example of what the medium can be, and so seldom is.
It is enthralling, as it consists solely of movies, news clips, and commentary made 46 years ago. The only reminders of the present day are "time insertions" along with just a few explanatory words, such as "9:45 am/motorcade approaches overpass" and so on. I had never seen most of this footage and, I understand, neither have the rest of the general public. It is very skillfully put together, alternating black-and-white and color film, and including programs that were interrupted with news bulletins (a soap opera, a commercial).
What a range of emotions go through the viewers! Even considering the most cynical of us, even for those who think it was a conspiracy (I have yet to be convinced), even for the most rabid reactionary and progressive peace lover, there are breath-catching moments that unite us all.
His handsome, lithe frame (we didn't know then about his maladies), his luxurious chestnut hair, his casual, graceful gestures! And Jackie: her queenly posture, her fixed smile, her (now we think we see it) slightly uncomfortable persona. Her pink suit. That pillbox hat
The fact that we know and they don't make us like gods, I guess--but ineffectual ones, helpless to change the future. The program is incredible and I want to see it again and again.
To remember. And to ponder. And to look back in disbelief.

1 comment:

cemmcs said...

I happened to see that too. It was excellent.


 Nothing much going on in the morning. Later, I walked to the P.O. to send some of the overseas Thanksgiving cards and check the weight of a...