Wednesday, March 15, 2023


And it came down pretty good.  That kept me in most of the day, unfortunately, but I did get a few things done. Although I was tired, having had little sleep, I was determined to dust and mop the hard floors. That entailed moving all the eating area chairs into the living room, as well as the wine rack and so on; I had it done by 11:00, though, and it looks good. Also washed and dried the area rugs. Started pulling together documents to give Michelle for my income tax and did a few other boring chores. These come under the category of what I call "business," mostly financial stuff.

Diane called and we had a long talk. She's the only one I know in my circumstances--that is, who doesn't drive, but is adept at getting around via bus, Access Van, Uber, and a private party she pays to drive her. I told her about my Sunday with Stella--AAGH!

I took two short naps and felt better after. The best thing was--and is--that the pain in my leg hasn't happened again. Let's hope it stays away.  After lunch, I...I...--I hate to admit it!--I watched television! Yes, in the daytime! In my defense, I was forced to stay in and I was bored to death. I enjoyed it, but another indication of my slide into a desultory life is the fact that I had a small glass--the last of it--of  Molloy's Irish Creme while I was watching.     

Here's another picture of my grandfather and his barber shop. This is a particularly poor photograph, but one of the nice people at Photo Restoration Free Service improved it a lot. I wish it could be sharpened a bit more, though. 
No question who the proprietor is in this one. Interestingly, he has "hair cutter," rather than "barber" on the awning.

Note: Happy day, I slept well and just got up at 5:20, practically the middle of the afternoon. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...