Saturday, March 18, 2023

Friday, Noreen, And Malcolm McDowell

Another pretty busy day. Cheryl picked me up, as usual, for T.O.P.S. There were only five of us--both Lora and Lennie are away, I think on the same trip to Portugal. I conducted the program, which went well. I gave them a series of questions, then guided discussion about the results. As for my weight, at home, I was 129.4 for a loss of .02; at T.O.P.S., I was 130.6 for a gain of .04. Ho-hum.

Home, changed, had breakfast, then left almost immediately for town. I was a little late, as the high school has half day on Fridays and there were lots of kids on the bus. Made it, though, and Noreen and I had a good lunch, and good, heart-to-heart talk. After we said goodbye, I went a few doors down to The Coalition and, after being told Owen was at lunch, left the info about Fractured Actors to have someone give it to him.

Stopped at the museum and renewed my membership. That was forty bucks and I hope it's worth it, as some of their activities had to be curtailed after COVID. I'm hoping to entice Jim to go with me to the Malcolm McDowell thing next Saturday. 

Stopped in a few places and bought a pair of socks, then bused to the transit center. I debated whether to go to Office Depot, as I need ink, but then thought of Target, at the mall. I looked it up on my phone and, yes, they had Canon 225, so I walked down there. Darn, they didn't have it in the store, only on-line. By that time, I didn't feel like going to Office Depot, so it'll just have to wait.

Home at 5:00 and Suzanne, back from San Diego, came over with a chronicle of her trip and pictures. She stayed until almost 6:00--it's nice to know she's back. Since I had had a big lunch, I just had one of the avocados, plus a few leftover cranberry meatballs (really appetizers) for dinner.  

Called Jim at 7:00 and we talked. He seemed in a somewhat more elevated mood, which was good. He'll come to lunch today and I'll introduce the subject of the museum next week. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...