Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Teeming Tuesday

And it came down all day. After breakfast, I started in on copying and printing my Dad's yearbook. What a chore! My printer, years old, balked at doing the whole thing at once, so I resorted to copying a few pages at a time--152, all told. I was so absorbed in it that when I finally looked up, so to speak, it was after 2:00. At one point, I ran out of copy paper. Gnashing my teeth, I rang Suzanne's bell and she gave me all she had. Miraculously, it seemed, it was exactly enough--the last page printed on the last sheet.

Had lunch, then put on my boots and raincoat, grabbed my umbrella, and slogged over to CVS for more copy paper. I gave Suzanne back what she had lent me and restocked my copier. I then started working on my mother's memories. I've retyped most of it and corrected some errors, but I seem to be missing the last part and now I can't remember how I got into the app-provided voiced part. Emailed Mike to ask him. In the meantime, I listened again to the recording and was able to correct the places that were clearly in error in what I had. 

Aside from calling Ellen to be sure she got home safely, that was virtually my whole day. In the meantime, my unfinished income tax is just sitting there.  I must get it done before again turning my attention to the past. That will always be there, silently waiting.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...