Saturday, March 25, 2023

Satisfying Friday

 ...because I lost a bit, and also completed some of my on-going projects. Weighed in at 128 at home and 129 at T.O.P.S. for losses of 2.06 and 1.06, respectively. The meeting was okay, although somewhat formless. There were seven of us; Lora stopped just to get weighed, then left. Said she'd text me shortly re out trip to Santa Barbara on Tuesday.

After breakfast, I spent a considerable amount of time using the hole punch to get my father's yearbook copy in a binder. I put a  cover on it, too:

Also spent an hour or more trying to finish the re-typing of my mother's recording. I have copies of both what Mike had had "typed" from the voice version and what I re-did (arranging into paragraphs, correcting errors, and so on), but for some reason, I'm getting screwed up in trying to synchronize. Will persist.

Putting all that aside, I texted Michelle to tell her I'd bring my income tax crapola over. Packed a lunch, took my cart and bused, then walked, to Michelle's. As ever, she was very cordial; asked me to sit down  and we chatted for a half-hour or so at her kitchen table. She looked over what I had, asked a few questions, and all seemed in order (whew!). 

We then turned to catching up with each other's lives and she dropped a bombshell: She has bought a 29-foot RV, is going to give up her apartment, wind up her business, then embark on extensive travels--first to Alaska, then all over Canada. Wow, I envy her! Michelle, 62, is long divorced, has one unmarried daughter in her thirties, is a committed health and fitness devotee (runner, yoga practitioner, and vegetarian-ish). She's been doing  my taxes since I moved to California eight years ago and met her at Colony Parc, where we both lived.  We're also Facebook friends and, living vicariously, I enjoy seeing her adventures skiing in the Alps and hiking in her native Honolulu. Here's Michelle eight years ago when I met her:
Anyway, after our conversation and her looking over my info, we said goodbye and I took off toward the Poinsettia Shopping Center and the outside lunch area. This is near Urbane CafĂ©, where Diane and I often meet. Ate, then walked the mile and a half to Office Max. Bought seventy-two dollars worth of ink, then went to Audi next door. This is a supermarket I sometimes visit and I wanted to pick up something to feed Jim for early dinner today before the Malcolm McDowell thing. Got a chicken/pasta mix, a loaf of the Artisan bread I like, and some green ice cream, which was on sale, presumably left over from St. Patrick's Day. From there, I bused to the transit center, then home. 

Mike usually video-calls me on Saturday evening, but I asked him to call me last night instead, because I'll be out tonight. He did, from his car, after dropping Violet off at volleyball practice. He was driving the whole time with the phone on the dashboard, and I silently marveled at modern life. He said Paula got back from China on Thursday, and the family is going to vacation in Thailand for two weeks when the girls are off school. 

Thailand, la-de-dah! When I was 14, I was lucky to get to Pleasantville!  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...