Monday, March 27, 2023

Sloughing Through Sunday

...and the tax stuff, from which, it seems I WILL NEVER ESCAPE! 

Okay, I'm being dramatic. Michelle looked over my submissions and emailed me to the effect that I need to provide another Vanguard (investments) form. I couldn't see where on the website, so sent them a message and assume they'll get back to me. I seldom have to contact them (they just keep putting dough in my bank account), but the few times I have, they've been courteous, knowledgeable and helpful. 

Besides that, I rearranged two closets and got them a little more functionable. All that took until lunchtime, after which I walked over to Von's for frozen fruit (free, because I buy there so much) and sumo citrus, my new favorites for breakfast.

I also looked up Little Rock College where my Dad taught right after he and Mom were married; he also got his master's there. Unless I  missed something, it's now the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. I asked for access to their digital documents, although I think there's only a slim chance his tenure there would be covered. I'll try to get in touch with their archivist, too.

The business about my picture in the BCNN yearbook continues to annoy me. I asked editor Carolee to see if I could improve the picture taken by the "BCNN photographer," which highlights every damn blemish and wrinkle. Instead of attempting to do it myself, I submitted it to Free Restoration and Colorization. Got a number of enhancements; here are old me and the new and improved version:

Went over to Suzanne's at 5:00 for one of our little social sessions. She and I were interested in Vickie's account of her sojourn to San Luis Obispo and plans to bury Mary's ashes in a particular garden there. Suzanne told us she's planning another trip in May; can't remember where, but I'll hear more about it. 

Aside from that, nothing much else going on. I went out only to walk over to Von's for fruit. It was still chilly, but sunny, at least. I hope the rain holds off tomorrow, when Lora's taking me to visit Betty.


I love AC said...

And they did this for free? Such a good product. How do I get them? Do you use face makeup...e.g.powder, liquid, or whatever? I never liked the feel so only use it when I am in a show or doing something extra about you?

Mimi said...

Pat, I'm a little unclear about what you're asking. This was all photographic enhancement by the people on Facebook--nothing I did or put on. Yes, it's free. Just go to Photo Restoration Free Service on Facebook. They've done a lot of enhancements and colorizing for me, including my mother's wedding picture and the ones of my Figenshu grandfather. They can also take people, backgrounds, or objects out of photos; combine people in different photos, and--what I like a lot--colorize old black and white pictures. I'm put some example on the blog. As for do I use makeup: Once in a while, but seldom, simply because it doesn't seem to much. I have almost no eyelashes or eyebrows left and my lips are very thin, so usually not.

I love AC said...

Thanks Rosemary.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...