Friday, March 17, 2023

Around Town On Thursday

Breakfast and a few chores, then I  walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for three pounds of tomatoes, a vegan "bowl," and black tights with feet. Why? Because I had bought a rather short skirt (well, it covers my knees) several months ago, hung it in the closet, and promptly forgot about it.  I found it again and want to wear black with it. Bused home.

I always have a book to read at lunch and started Elderhood. After the first few pages, I knew it was a kind of personal affirmation of my beliefs and ideas about aging. I'm so excited about it, I want my own copy, not the library's, so looked it up on Amazon Books. Of course, they have it, but I don't do Amazon Prime (it would be senseless for me, as my total orders don't even approach the extra charge). It then occurred to me to look at Barnes & Noble--bingo! They had it, of course, and all I had to do was take the 6, then the 11 bus to get there.

Did so, rushed in, and was very annoyed to be told they didn't have it in the store, but would order it for me; should arrive in four or five days. Of course, they'd add shipping if it was sent directly to me, so I told them I'd pick it up in the store. I have Soaring Spirits (our dinner meeting) on Monday and I'm hoping it will be in by then, as the Stone Fire Grill is right across from B & N.

Home, I made up my signature roasted tomatoes and onions. Had some of that with leftover cranberry meatballs for dinner. 

Ellen called on her way home and I was delighted to hear she was feeling more chipper than she had on Monday. The switch to DST is hard on a lot of people, maybe teachers in particular, and she also had parent/teacher meetings and other situations to deal with. I remember in my working day feeling overwhelmed at times--was it all worth it? why did I want this job?--so I was so relieved to hear she was feeling better.

Oh, in addition: I got most of my income tax stuff done; still have questions for Michelle and I know she wants the items as soon as possible. Will try to get it to her by Monday or Tuesday.

I'm meeting Noreen for lunch today (T.O.P.S. in the morning, of course) at Pierano's, which is close to 
The Coalition, where Owen works. I think I mentioned a few days ago that his wife was interested in Fractured Actors. I wrote up a letter to her and added some info on the theatre company and will give it to him today.

Speaking of the above: I was horrified when I tried to print out the letter, that my thick black ink is out, so every other line was faded grey. What to do? I hit on the idea of printing it in blue and happy day, that worked. Darn, I was across from Office Max today and should have stopped for ink. Maybe I'll go there today after lunch.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...