Sunday, March 05, 2023

Saturday With Jim And Pavarotti

Cleaned up a bit (not that Jim would notice) and deciding on what to serve. It turned out to be a shepherd's pie bought frozen at Trader Joe's, shepherd's pie, which I cooked in the oven. At the same time, I roasted the baked apples I had made earlier. Added a bowl of pickled beets and one of carrots prepared with tangerines in the slow cooker. A colorful meal and, as usual, Jim ate three-quarters of it.

He was early and as soon as he came in, mentioned that a particular opera was on the radio, so could we listen. I don't have a separate radio, but found it on my phone and we listened to the last act. It was recorded at the Met in 1978 and included Pavarotti and other well-known singers; I think they're all dead.  After that and while the meal was getting done, I casually asked him about those friends he had mentioned--Judy and the other one--he's going to see next Saturday. To my surprise, he became very angry. His fury--and fear, I think--at what he considers personal questions, is alarming. He calmed down a bit when I backed off and we sat down and ate.

After, he asked about the Hitler documentary that I had mentioned was so riveting and I got it on Netflix. He sat and watch most of it and I surreptitiously took a picture:

After, he had to nerve to say the rocker is uncomfortable and I should get some kind of padding. Yes, I've noticed that myself, but I sit there only when I watch T.V. from 8 to 9 pm and I always have my thick flannel robe on. That's just indicative of Jim's ignorance of social niceties--but oh, well...

He left at 4:30 and Ellen called. She'll be coming over about 10:00, then we'll go to her school and prepare for class on Monday--yay!

Note: I decided to make the information about my father a separate entry; see the following. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...