Friday, March 03, 2023

Suzanne, Diane, And Jim On Thursday

All told, it was a good day. I went with Suzanne to WinCo at 9:30 and what I bought practically filled her back seat. Got lots of produce: Brussel Sprouts, spinach, spaghetti squash, tangerines, and grapefruit, as well as some canned goods and paper products. Home, I put the stuff away, made a sandwich for lunch, filled my insolated lunch holder with it, a beer, and a small bottle of wine, and took off to meet Diane. 

I took the sink insert I had ordered from Temu. I had offered it to Suzanne, but she has the same sink I do, which it doesn't fit. Diane thinks she could use it, so took it with thanks. (It's amazing to me that the company refunded the cost, but told me not to send it back, but I understand that isn't unusual.)

The weather had turned heavenly; unlike Wednesday, it was warm, sunny, and un-windy. I even wore my lighter short coat and left the gloves and scarf at home. Met Diane at about 12:15 outside the coffee shop on Victoria (near Jasmine Thai) and we sat happily eating--and drinking--our lunches. It's hard to believe, but we didn't say goodbye until 3:30; we talked and talked and talked. While we were there, Jim called to ask my advice on why one of his computers didn't have the Internet. I was sympathetic and after asking him a few questions, suggested he call Spectrum, his provider, to see if there was a problem on their end. Diane and I then resumed our marathon talk.

When we parted, I walked up to Wal-Mart--really just to use their restroom, but I bought tomatoes, too, which I had forgotten at WinCo. Trader Joe's is right next door, so I stopped there to get swordfish and a few other things. 

Home, I called Jim to ask after his computers were. No, he hadn't called Spectrum, but one was on-line, the other wasn't. (Why he has two is just too complicated to record here.) We talked for a bit, I invited him for lunch tomorrow, he accepted and then said he wasn't available on the next Saturday. Here's the following conversation, almost verbatim:

Me: Why aren't you available?

Jim: I'm going somewhere.

Me: Where?

Jim: To eat.

Me: Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

Jim: Dinner.

Me: Who with?

Jim: A friend.

At that point, I told Jim how many or most people would respond when I asked why he wasn't available: "I'm having dinner with a friend." Jim then said, "I'm going with Alicia (?) to see Judy." Me: Who are Alicia and Judy? Jim: Some friends. 

It was funny in a gruesome sort of way.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...