Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Monday: Milk, Mental Illness, And A Clockwork Orange

Stripped the bed and did a bleach wash, re-made, folded, and put away.; I was finished this and breakfast before 9:00. Of course, I get up so early (about 4:30, as a rule), it's more like the middle of the afternoon for normal people. The flip side, natch, is that I'm in bed by 9:15 or so, read for a bit, then conk out. I'm okay with it, though; it seems to be the way my body wants it.

Called Vanguard and got the info on the forms Michelle questioned. Emailed the answers to her, hoping this was the end of my ordeal with taxes. We had a few more exchanges, then I signed electronically and happy day, it's done. I'll get a fair amount back and think I'll offer to bring Joel and the boys out here again.

Called Wells Fargo, as I had gotten a bill for two "channels" on Prime Video I don't remember ordering. They took it off with no problem. I'm also going to call Goggle and ask about a bill for something or other from them.

Emailed Diane to see if she wanted to go to Olive Garden and share a $25 gift card I have. It's in Oxnard and she thinks that's too far (we'd have to get the Access Van), but suggested we meet outside O'Leary's, bringing our own, which is fine by me. Penciled it in for the day after tomorrow.

Walked to the Hill Street branch of the library to take back the Stephen King book. I then sat down and read for an hour--so very fine to be there, in the quiet, reading. It was a book called Nobody Cares About Crazy People, a history of the treatment of the mentally ill, plus the private sorrows of a father whose son had schizophrenia and took his own life. Borrowed that and also took out Mind Over Meds, by Dr. Andrew Weil about life style changes in lieu of too many drugs. I've read a lot of his books; he and others led me to a semi-plant-based diet and the value of exercise.  Also requested the DVD of  A Clockwork Orange (Malcolm McDowell, y' know).

I left and was on my way to The Market when LaVonne called. We chatted, then made a date to meet at Hill Street CafĂ© next Thursday, April 6. We'll have a late lunch, at 2:00, because they offer a 25 % senior discount then. Continued on to the Market, where I  got milk, oatmeal, and yada, yada. Went across the street to the tiny atrium at the office complex. It was quite serene, as usual, and I enjoyed the quiet ambiance and the fountain bubbling out of the rough log sculpture:    

Stopped at Wal-Mart for a few items, then bused home. Checked my email and was thrilled to see messages from the dean of the Little Rock College library and the assistant director of something or other. They were responding to my request about my Dad's time there, both on the faculty and as a graduate student. I emailed back, but they probably won't get my message until this morning, as they're in Arkansas.

Lora called to confirm she'll pick me up at 9:30 this morning and we'll go to see Betty, then to lunch at Joe's Cafe.  I called Carolyn to tell her and we had a nice chat. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...